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Pixel Header R3 C1 Pixel
By Sprezz | Wednesday 3 July 2024 10:09 | 1 Comments

Recent queries on the Works forum led us to realise that there isn’t one single document that describes the various ways (well two) that you can interact with OLE controls within OI10. So we thought that we’d put it all together in one place using as an example a third party control called CSxGraph which you can download here . This is actually an ActiveX control, rather than an OLE control but that’s primarily a Microsoft branding exercise from nearly 30 years ago now, 1996! So, if you see something described as an ActiveX control, just assume it’s an OLE control.

Put simply, OLE components can be added to forms and manipulated via the standard Presentation Server functions, GET and SET_PROPERTY, EXEC_METHOD etc, or they can be created programmatically and be manipulated using intrinsic R/Basic routines such as OLEGETPROPERTY. If you want the user to see the control and possibly interact with it, you’ll need to add it to a form. If that isn’t a requirement then you’d instantiate the control programmatically.

OLE on Forms

To add an OLE control to a form, simply select the OLE Control menu item, and position the control where you want it on the form.

As this is a new OLE control, the system needs to know which OLE control to use, so it presents a dialog from which you can choose the control to insert 

If you know the CLSID or the ProgId of the control you can enter it here, or you can use the options button to select from a dialog, cleverly only showing the OLE objects that can be added as controls. In this case we know that we’re working with csXGraph to we can select that from the dialog

OK this, then OK the initial dialog, the system inserts the OLE control as requested

 There is an options button next to the CLSID which enumerates all the properties, methods and events that the control exposes, along with additional general information about the control type



So, it’s possible to work with the control without checking the documentation for a lot of things. Whilst this dialog provides a handy summary of what’s available, it’s more like a table of contents, pointing to additional items in the property panel. Further down the property panel we find OLE Properties.

Interacting with the UI

All of the OLE Properties that are exposed by the control can be found in the OLE Properties section of the property panel. We can set these properties manually in the property panel at design time or we can alter these properties at run time programmatically.

The property list is comprehensive as you can see

But,  if we know that we want this to be a Pie Chart we could select the graph type and choose that option

Similarly, we could set the title to a known value 

And if we run the form, having set these properties,

Nothing happens…

This is to be expected, we’ve told the control what title we want and that we want it to draw a pie chart, but we haven’t given it any data to display (properties), and more importantly, we haven’t told it that we actually want it to display anything (methods). 

So let’s add an edittable to capture our pie slice values and add a button to actually grab that data and display it.

To achieve this, we need to firstly get the data which we wish to display, then grab the title and amend it to include the updated date and time, clear the existing data (if any) from the OLE Control and then for each line of  data to display, update the data in the pie chart. Finally, we need to tell the control to plot and display the results. 

In the interests of transparency, the device this is being written on has a High DPI screen and this control is not High DPI aware so some manual playing with properties in the panel was required to make it visually – I won’t say appealing – appropriate.

Getting the data

This is a normal OI GET_PROPERTY call


Changing the title

This still uses normal OI GET and SET properties, but to ensure there is no clash between a PS property and an OLE property, we explicitly tell the PS that we’re wanting an OLE property by prepending the property name with “OLE.”


Clearing the data

For this we use EXEC_METHOD function, but as with the GET and SET we qualify our method name


Updating the data

Again we’re using EXEC_METHOD and providing random colours for the slices

Plot and display

And finally again an EXEC_METHOD

Interacting with Events

That’s the UI element dealt with but of course we might want to respond to an event on the control. For example, clicking the mouse down button on the graph, or maybe doubleclicking on an area of the graph.

For this we have to turn to the property panel again, but this time the OLE Integration property


As you will see, by default there are no events qualified, so when the events ARE triggered, they will not raise an OLEEVENT on the control.

If we were interested in trapping the mouse down event and the doubleclick event, we would simply launch the QualifiedOLEEvents dialog and check those events.

Now when the control is double clicked, or the mouse is clicked down on the control, an OLEEVENT will be raised and the parameters documented will be passed to your handling routine, be it a script or a commuter.

So if we put a debug in the OLEEVENT script for a control and mouse down over the control we will see this


With the EventName being onMouseDown, and with the parameters being (according to the control documentation)

Param1 Mouse Button
Param2 Shift state
Param3 Pixel X
Param4 Pixel Y
Param5 Graph X
Param6 Graph Y
Param7 Pixel Colour

Moving on to other elements of the event setup - the three Sync Types are Synchronous, Asynchronous and Callback. 

By default, the sync type is set to Asynchronous. An asynchronous event is queued and is thus guaranteed to be executed once everything before it in the queue has been dealt with. This can lead to a slight lag if the application is busy.

Setting the event to Synchronous will attempt to execute it immediately, but if the engine is tied up doing anything else it will just fail.

Setting the event to Callback creates a sort of hybrid situation where the system will attempt to execute the event immediately, but if it fails it will establish if the engine is waiting on a response from the Presentation Server rather than the engine being tied up running a program.  If it is waiting, it will branch off and run the event there and then.

So synchronous can be used when failure is immaterial, asynchronous can be used when failure is not an option and callback can be used when failure is optional but speed is of the essence.

For a discussion of the other check boxes see OLE event [Revelation Wiki], but essentially –

SuppressName ShowDispID Result
False False Returns the event name and any arguments
True True Returns the DispID (the numeric constant representing the event type) and any arguments. Using a numeric constant makes branching faster, as it removes the requirement for string comparisons.
False True Returns the event name, the DispId and the arguments. Permits mapping between the DispId and the name.
True False Of limited use as it returns nothing.

OLE in Programs

Programmatic OLE control allows us to automate our applications, driving external programs to produce results that would be hard to achieve in pure OI. Sending Emails, performing mail merges, generating images etc. 

Using OLE in programs is normally just a case of “instantiating” the OLE control – creating and initialising it – setting relevant properties and telling it to run the required methods. It is less likely that we would need to respond to OLE events in this context.

To illustrate programmatic usage, we will again return to our csXGraph control, but this time we will programmatically generate the graph and save the image.

To manipulate OLE controls programmatically we make use of the following self-evidently named routines –

OLECREATEINSTANCE     - to instantiate the OLE control
OLEPUTPROPERTY         - to set a property of the control
OLEGETPROPERTY         - to get a property of the control
OLECALLMETHOD         - to call a method of the control
OLESTATUS                 - to query the status of an OLE operation.

Note that these routines are intrinsic to the compiler and so do not need to be declared. Note further that these routines must be called individually for each property or method. It is not possible to stack the parameters in an array using @Rms and make a single call as is possible with the relevant PS routines.


This function takes no parameters and returns the status of the last OLE operation. If the value if FALSE$ then the operation succeeded otherwise a negative integer representing the error code is returned.

This error code is not particularly helpful, so it helps to use the system function RTI_ErrorText to retrieve an English language description. This function takes three parameters. The kind of error being retrieved, the error code in question, and whether Carriage Return/LineFeed should be swapped out for spaces.

Status = oleStatus()
    If status then errorText = RTI_ErrorText(“WIN”, status, FALSE$)

It should be used after every OLE operation.


This function takes a single parameter – being the name of the class of the OLE control that we wish to instantiate.

So for example

oleObj = oleCreateInstance( “csXGraphTrial.Draw” )

If there was no error then we now have an OLE control instantiated in memory to play with. The oleObj variable will contain the handle for the OLE control.


This routine takes a polymorphic set of parameters, depending upon whether the OLE object is indexed. If it isn’t, then it takes the standard three SET_PROPERTY parameters, namely the OLE object handle, the property and the value to set.

If the property is indexed (and it’s important to realise that this might not just be X and Y indexes – the object could be n dimensional), then the index values follow the property name, so

olePutProperty( oleObj, property[, index1, index2,…], value)


This routine takes a polymorphic set of parameters, depending upon whether the OLE object is indexed. If it isn’t, then it takes the standard two GET_PROPERTY parameters, namely the OLE object handle, and the property to get.

If the property is indexed (and it’s important to realise that this might not just be X and Y indexes – the object could be n dimensional), then the index values follow the property name, so

Return = oleGetProperty( oleObj, property[, index1, index2,…])


This routine takes two required parameters – the OLE object handle and the name of the method to call. If the method requires parameters then these are passed as optional parameters to the OLECALLMETHOD call.

OleCallMethod( oleObj, methodName[, param1, param2…])

Bringing it all together

For our example, it wasn’t apparent from the screen shots, but several default properties had been changed to make the graph more attractive. We need to replicate this in our code. The properties that were changed were primarily to do with the size of the image, the title and obviously the graph type. It doesn’t really matter what order we set the properties in as long as all required properties are set before we ask the control to execute any methods.

So alphabetical is as good as any.   


The “*” is used to draw attention to the fact that although this property is named identically to the form designer property, there will be no confusion as we are setting and getting OLE properties directly without going through the PS.

So now we need to modify the program to set the required properties.

Note that there’s a debug in the checkOLEStatus. Check the code above to see what line you think it’ll break at when the program is run. Well, the line with the debug in checkOLEStatus obviously, but who was the culprit?

So we run the code, there is an error, and obviously  it’s  -2147352570 error….


Which using the aforementioned RTI_ErrorText tells us is an “Unknown name”… note that the final version of this program uses OLE in place of WIN as the error type – the two are interchangeable but using OLE makes more sense in an OLE context.

And sure enough “PiaDia” is an error – it should be PieDia.

We can rectify this then start to add the data.

To add the data, we first tell the control to use randomised colours – so we can see that the graph is a different screen shot than the Form Designer one. We then use oleCallMEthod to add our four data values.

Then we tell the OLE control to draw the graph

 And finally, we tell it to save the graph to a BMP file


The end result?


Hopefully armed with the foregoing you'll now be adequately equipped to tackle your own OLE projects, but if you want to play the code for this article follows.

The Demo Program

Subroutine zz_OLE_Demo( Void ) 

   Declare Function RTI_ErrorText
   $Insert logical

   oleObj = Olecreateinstance( "cSxGraphTrial.Draw") |
                  ; Gosub checkOLEStatus

   If ok Then olePutProperty( oleObj, "CenterX", 350 ) |                           
                  ; Gosub checkOLEStatus
   If ok Then olePutProperty( oleObj, "CenterY", 350 ) |                           
                  ; Gosub checkOLEStatus
   If ok Then olePutProperty( oleObj, "GraphType", 0 ) |                           
                  ; Gosub checkOLEStatus
   If ok Then olePutProperty( oleObj, "Height", 700 ) |                            
                  ; Gosub checkOLEStatus
   If ok Then olePutProperty( oleObj, "LegendX", 100 ) |                           
                  ; Gosub checkOLEStatus
   If ok Then olePutProperty( oleObj, "LegendY", 50 ) |                            
                  ; Gosub checkOLEStatus
   If ok Then olePutProperty( oleObj, "MaxX", 500 ) |                               
                  ; Gosub checkOLEStatus
   If ok Then olePutProperty( oleObj, "MaxY", 500 ) |                              
                  ; Gosub checkOLEStatus
   If ok Then olePutProperty( oleObj, "Offset", 20 ) |                             
                  ; Gosub checkOLEStatus
   If ok Then olePutProperty( oleObj, "OriginX", 200 ) |                           
                  ; Gosub checkOLEStatus
   If ok Then olePutProperty( oleObj, "OriginY", 200 ) |                           
                  ; Gosub checkOLEStatus
   If ok Then olePutProperty( oleObj, "PieDia", 400 ) |                            
                  ; Gosub checkOLEStatus
   If ok Then olePutProperty( oleObj, "ShowLabel", False$ ) |                      
                  ; Gosub checkOLEStatus
   If ok Then olePutProperty( oleObj, "ShowLegend", True$ ) |                      
                  ; Gosub checkOLEStatus
   If ok Then olePutProperty( oleObj, "Square", 16) |                              
                  ; Gosub checkOLEStatus
   If ok Then olePutProperty( oleObj, "Title", "OI 10 OLE Demo" ) |                
                  ; Gosub checkOLEStatus
   If ok Then olePutProperty( oleObj, "TitleX", 20 ) |                             
                  ; Gosub checkOLEStatus
   If ok Then olePutProperty( oleObj, "TitleY", 20 ) |                             
                  ; Gosub checkOLEStatus
   If ok Then olePutProperty( oleObj, "Width", 700 ) |                             
                  ; Gosub checkOLEStatus

   // now add the data 

   If ok Then olePutProperty( oleObj, "UseRNDColor", TRUE$ ) |                     
                  ; Gosub checkOLEStatus
   If ok Then olePutProperty( oleObj, "RNDColor", 25 ) |                           
                  ; Gosub checkOLEStatus

   If ok Then retVal = oleCallMethod( oleObj, 'AddData', "Cherries", 48, 0) |      
                  ; Gosub checkOLEStatus
   If ok Then retVal = oleCallMethod( oleObj, 'AddData', "Apples", 16, 0) |        
                  ; Gosub checkOLEStatus
   If ok Then retVal = oleCallMethod( oleObj, 'AddData', "Peppers", 4, 0) |        
                  ; Gosub checkOLEStatus
   If ok Then retVal = oleCallMethod( oleObj, 'AddData', "Aubergines", 2, 0) |     
                  ; Gosub checkOLEStatus

   // and tell it to draw the graph

   If ok Then retVal = oleCallMethod( oleObj, 'DrawGraph' ) |                      
                  ; Gosub checkOLEStatus

   // and save to file

   If ok Then retVal = oleCallMethod( oleObj, 'SaveToFile', "ZZ_OLE_DEMO.BMP" ) |  
                  ; Gosub checkOLEStatus



   OK = TRUE$
   Status = Olestatus() 
   If Status Then
      errorText = RTI_ErrorText("OLE", Status, FALSE$ ) 
      OK = FALSE$



By Sprezz | Monday 4 March 2024 09:27 | 0 Comments

Since the sad demise of Revelation's article on the subject, there seems to be no quick reference guide available for the various kinds of log that can be created by OpenInsight to assist in debugging strange occurrences and things that go bump in the night.

As a service to the Rev community we therefore offer up our guide to all things log related. Speaking of logs, my best friend at school was nicknamed "Beaver". Steven Norwood. Oh the fun we had in maths lessons (this was pre-calculator days so we had to use log books)... Anyway

Event Logs

These logs are initiated when the "Start Log" button is pressed on the engine. The log file is created under the OpenInsight subdirectory.

Version 9

The file is named OELOGNNN.LOG and will roll over at 1000. 

The log will contain every event triggered and all programs run not called from BASIC+ along with the passed parameters. For example

Start OpenEngine  log - 2/24/2024 13:55:03

Begin processing time: 2/24/2024 13:55:10
RUN REPOSITORY 'WRITE', #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10, #11
  #2:  '0'
  #3:  ''
  #4:  ''
  #5:  ''
  #6:  ''
  #7:  ''
  #8:  ''
  #9:  ''
  #10:  'ZZ_TEST'
  #11:  '300þ1þÿZZ_TESTýýWINDOWýý574ý258ý-484ý-311ýUntitled...'
Stop processing time: 2/24/2024 13:55:10
Execution time: 250 milliseconds.
Execution status: successful.

Begin processing time: 2/24/2024 13:55:10
Stop processing time: 2/24/2024 13:55:10
Execution time: 46 milliseconds.
Execution status: successful.

The program's parameters are listed individually whereas the parameters for the event are passed in line. It should be noted that the engine log only logs programs that are not called directly from Basic+ so it is not as useful as it might seem for debugging.

Version 10

The file is named REVENGINENNN.LOG and will roll over at 1000. 

The log will contain every event triggered with the passed parameters. For example

Start RevEngine A log - 2/24/2024 14:09:40

Begin processing time: 2/24/2024 14:09:45
Stop processing time: 2/24/2024 14:09:45
Execution time: 16 milliseconds.
Execution status: successful.

Due to the fact that OpenInsight is now written in OpenInsight, all program calls originate from Basic+ so we no longer see programs being launched. Previously the various tools were external executables that relied upon calls to the engine to execute Basic+ code. These calls could be tracked in the log. Now that the tools are written in OI they don't make calls to the engine to execute code, they just call the code directly.

Profile Logs

As the name suggests, these logs record every single program called and returned to, along with granular timings,  whilst the logs are active. In OI 9 these logs can only be recorded for the entirety of the OI session. In OI 10 it is possible to toggle them. In both versions the creation of a dummy text file in the OpenInsight subdirectory is required to record the log for the session.

Once you have this log it is possible to analyse the information to zoom in on where you may be experiencing speed issues, recursive code et al

NB These logs slow the program speed down exponentially so it is a good idea to remove the dummy text file when it is no longer used (for example after you have started logging).

Version 9

To trigger the recording of a log simply create a text file called OEPROFILE.LOG before logging into OpenInsight. The system will create a file called OEPROFILE_MACHINENAME_PROCESSNUMBER.LOG. All timings in the log are in milliseconds - but only to a granularity of 16ms - hence the zeroes in the log.

As an example of a log starting OpenInsight here's the first few lines - 

RTP57 16
    RTP57A 31
    RTP57A 47 16
    RTP57A 47
    RTP57A 47 0
    RTP57A 47
    RTP57A 47 0
RTP57 47 31
RTP50 47
RTP50 47 0

What this tells us is that the program LOAD_SYSPROGDBT has started, and the first thing it did at tick 16, was to call RTP57, which in turn called GETNETWORKTYPE which took 15 ticks to complete. Some quick calls follow - some too fast to measure, until RTP57 exits 31 ticks after it started.

For reference here is another section where RUN_EVENT is referenced.

    RUN_EVENT 2044
        RTP27 2044
            GETOISTATE 2044
            GETOISTATE 2044 0
            RTP57 2044
             RTP57A 2044
                RTP57A 2044 0
            RTP57 2044 0
        RTP27 2044 0

This will become relevant in the Version 10 section.

Whilst the log is useful, there are no tools provided for consuming it.

Version 10

To trigger the recording of a log simply create a text file called REVPROFILE.LOG before logging into OpenInsight. The system will create a file called REVPROFILE_MACHINENAME_PROCESSNUMBER.LOG. 

As an example of a log starting OpenInsight here's the first few lines - 

        RTP57 32.16
            GETNETWORKTYPE 32.23
            GETNETWORKTYPE 33.95 1.72
            MSWIN_GETUSERNAME 33.99
            MSWIN_GETUSERNAME 34.79 0.79
            MSWIN_GETCURRENTPROCESSID 34.85 0.02
            RTP57A 34.88
            RTP57A 35.58 0.71
            RTP57A 35.61
            RTP57A 35.63 0.01
            RTP57A 35.64
            RTP57A 35.66 0.02
        RTP57 35.69 3.53
        RTP50 35.71
        RTP50 35.73 0.02

The first thing that jumps out is that the timings are now to two decimals places, and they're no longer in ticks, rather they're in 0.01ms. So 1,600 times more granular.

The second thing that jumps out is when looking at a RUN_EVENT call -

    RUN_EVENT 5153.86 ("SYSTEM", "LOGIN", "1", "SYSPROG", "SYSPROG",                         "SYSPROG")
        RTP27 5153.87
    GETOISTATE 5153.88
    GETOISTATE 5153.88 0.00

We are now actually provided with what RUN_EVENT was doing.

Version 10 also has an analysis tool for the log files AND provides for manipulating the logging programmatically. Rather than reinvent the wheel we just refer you to the source.

Linear Hash Logs

These logs provide a record of every single file i/o operation performed at the workstation doing the logging. As with profile logging, linear hash logging is initiated by the creation of a specifically named file at the OpenInsight location. Unlike with profile logging, linear hash logging at the client is performed only for the first person to log in after the creation of the trigger table, so there is no performance impact on other users. If you wish to record all file i/o operations for all service users then server logs should be used instead qv but be warned these are very verbose so get very big very quickly.



The trigger file in this case is LH3.LOG.

As an example of an LH3.LOG file, here's the first few lines 


Each line represents a single i/o operation, with the first value being an opcode that determines the subsequent parameters.

Looking at some of the obvious operations, OP REVMEDIA 0 OK, means open the REVMEDIA file to handle 0. Then RO 0 SYSOBJ*GLOBAL OK, means make a cached read (READO) of the file entry for SYSOBJ*GLOBAL from file handle 0 - the REVMEDIA map. 

Regretfully there are no system tools to analyse the log files.


The trigger file in this case is LH.LOG. 

As an example of an LH.LOG, here's an exercise for the reader.... 



The trigger file in this case is LH4.LOG.

As an example of an LH4.LOG file, here's the first few lines 


Notice the subtle difference from the UD3 log? That's right, there isn't one. 


The trigger file in this case is LH47SRVC.LOG.

As an example of an LH47SRVC.LOG, here's the first few lines, in a smaller font to prevent wrapping - it is verbose

Start pending...Running.
Connect...client 0.
0:Version Check...done.
0SRVC Connecting...passed parameter X99999999|0
Validating...bValid 1, bAuthorized 1
:Open Session,X99999999,250...session 0.
0,0,ZZ\ZZ15\REVMEDIA:Open File (resolved to E:\ZZ\ZZ15\REVMEDIAðNf)...file 0.
0,0:Unlock All...done.

There are some gotchas analysing these files as the first two lines are CRLF delimited and all subsequent are LF delimited, but the verbosity of the text makes understanding what is going on a lot easier.



The trigger file in this case is REVLH.LOG.

As an example of a REVLH.LOG file, here's the first few lines 

LO 3 U50707 OK

This time there IS a subtle difference - there's a weird bug where it puts the CRLF after the SN and swallows the OK., Presumably an offset issue in the osbwrite. Also the login semaphore logic is slightly different. Beyond that the log file follows the pattern of the others.

Random trivia - logging in and out of 9 generates a 10Kb log file. Doing the same on 10 generates a 168Kb log file. Now that OI is written in OI there's a lot more i/o needed to bootstrap the system.

Useful random trivia - you can restrict the operations recorded by creating a file called REVLH.DETAILS containing a comma delimited list of the opcodes you wish to capture. The log will then only contain those opcodes and be correspondingly quicker to generate.


The trigger file in this case is REVLHSRVC.LOG.

As an example of a REVLHSRVC.LOG, here's the first few lines, with wrapping left in place.


Start pending...
VSS: UDVSSWriter Initializing...


 [156699562] initialized
 [156699562]  [156711625] Connect... [156711625] client 0.
 [156711625]  [156711625] 0 [156711625] :Version Check... [156711625] OK; secure channel check (0\0)... [156711625] done.
 [156711625]  [156711625] 0 [156711625] NUL Connecting...passed parameter W99999999|1
 [156711625]  [156711625] Validating...bValid 1, bAuthorized 1
 [156711625]  [156711625] :Open Session [156711625] , [156711625] W [156711625] 9 [156711625] 9 [156711625] 9 [156711625] 9 [156711625] 9 [156711625] 9 [156711625] 9 [156711625] 9 [156711625] ,9 [156711625] ... [156711625] session 0.
 [156711625]  [156711625] 0 [156711625] ,0 [156711625] ,E:\OpenInsight\UD Test\REVMEDIA [156711625] :Open File (resolved to E:\OpenInsight\UD Test\REVMEDIA)... [156711640] file 0.
 [156711640]  [156711640] 0 [156711640] ,0 [156711640] :Unlock All... [156711640] done.
 [156711640]  [156711640] 0 [156711640] ,0 [156711640] ,E:\OpenInsight\UD Test\REPOSIX [156711640] :Open File (resolved to E:\OpenInsight\UD Test\REPOSIX)... [156711640] file 1.
 [156711640]  [156711640] 0 [156711640] ,0 [156711640] ,E:\OpenInsight\UD Test\REVDICT [156711640] :Open File (resolved to E:\OpenInsight\UD Test\REVDICT)... [156711640] file 2.
 [156711640]  [156711640] 0 [156711640] ,0 [156711640] ,E:\OpenInsight\UD Test\REVREPOS [156711640] :Open File (resolved to E:\OpenInsight\UD Test\REVREPOS)... [156711640] file 3.
 [156711640]  [156711640] 0 [156711640] ,0 [156711640] ,E:\OpenInsight\UD Test\REVMEDIA [156711640] :Open File (resolved to E:\OpenInsight\UD Test\REVMEDIA)... [156711640] file 0.

There are some gotchas analysing these files as all lines are CRLF delimited apart from the VSS line and the Running line which are CR delimited, but the verbosity of the text makes understanding what is going on a lot easier.

Additional Tools

A big shout out to Revelation who made us aware of an additional tool allowing you to observe LH Statistics directly from the workstation. Not only that - you can dynamically turn linear hash logging on or off from the tool.

To use EXEC RTI_LH_INFO_VIEWER at TCL and the following window displays -

There is lots of information available to you here so explore at leisure! To start logging simply select "Client" or "Server" from the "Logger" dropdown and then press "Go". To stop logging, select "Stop Logging" from the "Action" dropdown and then press "Go".

Finally - log files can get a bit overwhelming so if you want to set a "place marker" in a linear hash log, just read a non-existent row using an easily recognisable dummy row id like "ZZ_STARTS_HERE" then you can search the log for that without wading through lots of extraneous stuff.
By Sprezz | Wednesday 7 February 2024 16:32 | 0 Comments

Recently we were playing with a routine to recurse through directory structures on a nominated disk and attempt to osOpen a specific file at a location - a quick utility to hunt down rogue OpenInsight installations by looking for SYSPROG DBTs. What started off as a vanity project very quickly became a learning exercise about how the system handles OS files behind the scenes.

The routine was working fine, correctly identifying locations containing OpenInsight but then we tried pointing it at Drive C. Suddenly the routine was finding rogue OpenInsight installations all over the disk, SYSPROG.DBTs were opening like they were a dime a dozen. Rogue installation-a-rama.

Except they weren't actually there. OsOpen claimed they were there - well it reported that it had successfully opened the file - but on closer inspection there was no file actually there.

There seemed to be no great mystery about what the apparent rogue installations had in common - they all had humongously long folder paths. Once the path gets beyond a certain length, attempts to open files that aren't there succeed. Rather than keep you in suspense we'll just confirm that this length is a common Windows constant called MAX_PATH - which if you check your msWin_MAX_PATH_Equates insert (yes - there is one) equates to 260 characters.

We reported this to those good folks at Revelation and further inspection revealed that, yes, there is an issue when opening files whose locations are longer than 260 characters. It was explained that internally the system stores the OS handle in an array of up to 128 values and that these values were predeclared at MAX_PATH plus a bit. 

This interested us, because we never realised that there was a limit of 128 concurrently open OS files in the Rev product line. We'd always assumed that (given that the osOpen file handle is just the name of the file) the system opened and closed the file each time it was written to or read from. That assumption was incorrect as, as explained above, Rev keep an array of OS file handles. They take the osOpen handle, look it up in an array and extract the OS file handle. 

This got us thinking, because we aren't always diligent about osClosing handles. Why had we never seen an issue with over 128 files? So we set about testing our assumptions.

It transpires that, if the system uses up the 128 handles, it starts to reuse the array slots in a FIFO manner. So if you subsequently try an OS operation on a handle that has been dropped, Rev reopens it and drops another. 

The implication of this (which we tested to be true) is that osOpen is not actually needed for OS operations.

We don't recommend NOT using it we hasten to add, this was just an academic exercise which could be invalidated at any time. 

As an aside when Rev gets the OS handle it places a lock on the file in question. You can see this if you attempt to access the file from outside of OpenInsight. You'll see a message like this -

The lock is removed when either you osClose the file or the system does so during its FIFO operation. A good tip from Rev is that, and I quote

"when logging to a file I like to use

osOpen myFile to myHandle

offset = dir(myfile)<1>

oswrite myChunk on myHandle at offset

osClose myHandle

This avoids holding the lock, so you can use notepad++ to look at the changes while a process is running.".

Anyway you'll be pleased to know that for subsequent releases of OpenInsight the restriction on long path names has been removed - along with the 128 element array limitation. 

By Sprezz | Wednesday 4 October 2023 10:00 | 10 Comments

Last month marked the 40th anniversary of my having worked with Revelation Software products, so I'm going to indulge myself with a little wander down memory lane.

Cast your mind back to 1983 - the IBM PC had just been released in all its twin-floppied glory. For personal reasons I had to relocate away from home, and I was determined to find a job with a company car. An advertisement for a new company called IDM (with a logo that was suspiciously close to another Three Letter Acronym company) offered a sales position with a new software product just imported from the US - Revelation C. Their main business was selling Pick on IBM Series/1 and they had taken on Revelation as an afterthought due to the built in Terminal Emulator which allowed you to use your PC as an Adds Regent 100 emulator to any Pick based system. In those days hardware was EXPENSIVE, and a dumb terminal actually cost more to buy than buying Revelation. So, if you happened to have a PC and needed a terminal, buying Revelation was a no-brainer.

The early days were heady as everybody was scrambling to implement standalone solutions using this new PC and the market flooded with database programs. Companies made inflated claims for their products (I'm looking at you dBase II - you were NEVER relational despite what you claimed at the time) but Rev just powered ahead with a series of well thought out adverts that attracted likeminded developers.

Revelation D was an incremental development, but Revelation E blew our socks off. The guys from Cosmos came over to the UK to explain this new-fangled technology called "Networking", which Rev E supported. Now applications could scale to departmental level and with the scaling came an increasingly diverse client base. New features were added, and Rev F and Rev G made their way into the world. It was whilst working on a banking system written in Rev G that I got to work with an assistant who'd just graduated from Harvard. I'd complained that I needed a Business Analyst, and I got Jeff Bezos. But that's another story. (Spoiler - we didn't see eye to eye).

The other database companies started putting out more attractive development environments and Cosmos struggled to keep up, until one of their aspiring Sales People took it upon himself to rewrite Rev and thus was born Advanced Revelation (AREV). Microsoft's SQL Server was flying out of the door as people sought to build larger applications, and the fact that AREV had a SQL Bond that allowed rapid app development, made it a prime candidate for expansion. Business boomed and at one stage Revelation won an award from Microsoft for selling more SQL Server licenses than anybody else that year.

At the time the company I worked with split its database sales between Revelation and Microsoft SQL Server. As a rule of thumb, we told clients that if they had more than 50,000 rows in their main data table, they should look at SQL over Revelation. How I giggle looking back at that when lots of our clients these days have tables with tens of millions of rows.

During the next couple of decades as AREV matured, I got to work on some wonderfully varied systems. Seconded to HMRC I wrote some fascinating tax investigation software. There didn't seem to be a Government department who DIDN'T use Revelation, so I spent time at the Lord Chancellor's Office, the Home Office, MAFF, MOD et al. We even NEARLY came first in a Database Development Competition organised by a UK Computer journal. I say "nearly" because at the close of the practical part of the competition, the judges came to our stand and congratulated us on winning. It came as a surprise to both us and them, when a completely different company was announced as the winner. Though in fairness WE weren't taking out monthly full colour adverts in said Computer Journal.

When Sprezzatura launched in 1989 we started to collect an even more diverse client base, and the publication of REVMEDIA was a delightful 4 years where I got to work with some of the most interesting developers on the planet. I'd sit up until the early hours of the morning repeating experiment after experiment to see what changing Window Common actually did. I'd investigate issues brought up by subscribers and I'd try and work out compiled code structure to make working out what routines did just that little bit easier.

Another milestone during this time, was our involvement in the very first prosecution under the new Computer Misuse Act. We were occasionally consulting to a marketing company who employed their own in-house consultant. They decided that they no longer needed his services and so they let him go. Several months later their system began to behave strangely. Important data was suddenly meaningless gibberish - it had been encrypted. We were called in to investigate and what we found actually seriously impressed me. Putting together the pieces we established that the erstwhile former employee, knowing his time was limited, had placed an MFS on the main data table that, as it wrote to disk encrypted the data, decrypting it on reads, until the trigger date came when the MFS removed itself from the table and consequently stopped decrypting. We were able to show this to be the case and were called as Expert Witnesses for the upcoming trial at the Old Bailey. Turning up suited and booted we were actually quite disappointed that the gentleman in question pled guilty before the trial started. 

But then talk turned to OpenInsight (OI) and the AREV world went into limbo for a few years. Initial attempts to deliver a Windows product were wildly flawed. Reasoning that middleware was the way forward, Revelation released a Database Engine (oengine.exe) with Linear Hash support and blithely suggested that the established user base go away and learn something like Visual Basic to write their front end in.

There was rebellion and shortly thereafter OpenInsight 2 was born with the rudiments of what we know and love today.  It would be fair to describe it as a little flaky. Revelation invited us to partner with them in competing in an internationally famous Database Challenge. There were hundreds of entrants, but we were quietly confident of our ability to deliver. The challenge was to build a database application to a provided specification over the course of 8 hours. 5 hours in, disaster struck. The Repository became corrupted, and all of our work was lost. Knowing what we do now we could have fixed this, but this was very early days. So, with three hours to go for the challenge we had to start again. Regretfully this meant that we only came in the Top 20. If you ever wondered why the system USED to keep a backup duplicate of the Repository, that is why!

More years passed and Windows moved to 32 Bit. Once again Revelation was stuck in the mud. The 32 bit replacement was to be a similar rehash to OpenInsight 1 requiring the developer base to acquire Java skills - something many were reluctant to do. But after years of stagnation, Revelation passed into the hands of long term developer, Mike Ruane, who set about delivering a 32 bit version.

Shortly after commencing his tenure, he delivered on his promises and a fun few weeks were spent flying around the world with Mike and the crew showing the next 32 bit OI to an excited client base.

Once again, we got to work with great software, and to deliver some great technologies. In one particularly memorable assignment the Sprezz team rocked up on our courier client's premises and in two weeks delivered a fully functional on line booking system that blew the socks off the competition. In another, using S/Web we managed to create web sites processing millions of discrete transactions a day while the big database boys were boasting about their hundreds of thousands.

And now here we are with a completely rewritten OI, a thing of beauty in my mind and I'm glad I'm here to see it! We still get to work with a diverse group of people around the world, though sadly, some of our long-term colleagues are no longer with us. The core team of Sprezzatura delights me with our complementary skill sets and I can honestly not think of a group of people I'd enjoy working with more.

Over the past 40 years I have been privileged to work with Rev developers in Albania, Australia, Belgium, Canada, the Caribbean, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, England, Finland, France, Germany, Ghana, Hong Kong, India, Ireland, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Saudi Arabia, Scotland, South Africa, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Venezuela, Wales and of course in a large number of States of the good ol’ US of A. I’ve met some wonderful people and some of those have even changed my life in very positive ways outside of computing!

I count my blessings that 40 years ago I decided to put my money on the Revelation horse. I had no clue what I was doing at the time, but it has served me incredibly well. There aren't many people in IT who can say that they've not had to learn a new product since starting their career :). And it's a testament to both the product and ourselves that we still have clients we started work with back in 1984! We're all a bit older, hopefully a bit wiser, but no less enthusiastic.

So, in conclusion, if you're reading this, it's likely you're part of the Rev community and it's a pleasure to be in it with you. Here's to the next decade! Cheers!

By Sprezz | Tuesday 5 September 2023 12:57 | 2 Comments

 On one of our more recent projects, we were required to display a PDF document by double-clicking in an edit table. No real issue, we can use just use SHELLEXEC as documented here right?


The problem with a SHELLEXEC, is that by default, it launches a browser that has an address bar  containing the full URL to the document in question, allowing the user to modify the URL and potentially access information they were not privy to. (The users don't have browse rights so there isn't a problem of them browsing to other information, but knowing the fully formed URL they could take intelligent guesses at other potential document names). So, we considered looking at turning the address bar off, but then remembered the new WebView control. A control that allows you to embed the Microsoft WebView2 Edge Browser directly into an OpenInsight form and to interact with it.

This looked like it was going to be the easiest hack ever. Create a form with just two controls, the WebView control and a close button. Have it accept as a create parameter the document to display, and all is good, yes?

So we added a quickevent to the form that simply set the URI property of the WebView control, to the value passed in the createParam for the form. 

It ran.

It did nothing.

Puzzled we modified the CREATE quickevent to also update the screen caption with the file name we were trying to display. (This ability to stack quickevents rocks!). 

The caption changed to the correct value but still nada.

Thinking laterally we invoked the system monitor and used the SP command to set the URI of the control to the value we had passed in. 

It displayed.

Rinse and repeat.

Chatting to the developers, it seems the issue here is that the WebView control takes a little time to instantiate itself, so it it might not be finished before the CREATE event runs. So we have to wait for the WebView control to be finished and THEN set the URI.

Sounds like a case for looping, querying status and waiting, yes?


The WebView control is asynchronous. So all we have to do is wait for an event that tells us that the WebView control is ready, and THEN set the URI.

All this took was two quickevents. 

One on the CREATE event, setting a synthetic property to contain the document name

and one on the WEBVIEWCREATED event for the WebView control (which is fired when the WebView is fully instantiated) which retrieves the synthetic property and uses it to set the URI property.

The results achieved what the client wanted. A displayed document with no identifying file paths. And no code. 
By Sprezz | Tuesday 1 August 2023 15:59 | 0 Comments

 Occasionally RTI slip out little tools and utilities that they've found useful. If you're very lucky they'll even ship source. One such gem in OI 10 is the OIWIN Date/Time picker - RTI_DATETIME_POPUP to its friends.

If ever you've wanted to offer your user a way of selecting date or time from a calendar/time control, and you've not been too happy with the datetimepicker OCX and the old POPUP_MONTH dialog seems a little dated, then this is the one for you.

It really is stunningly simple to use. Just add a quickevent to call a stored procedure and you're sorted.

For illustrative purposes, here's a sample window -

The cuebanners reflect the conversion on the edit line. The quickevent for the options on each editline is defined thusly - 

Once you've chosen the Target you can just accept the defaults other than DEFPROP which should be replaced with INVALUE.

We only need one options button because we're taking advantage of a newly exposed property - in the property panel under the Behavior section, we're setting ALLOWFOCUS to false and then we can just send an OPTIONS event to @FOCUS.

So how does the routine behave? See the following screen shots -

Now there are a couple of caveats that I need to mention. The first (as you can see) is that DT and DTS provide the same dialog. The second (due to a bug that I leave you to find) is that DTS always returns 1967 as the year. But as you are encouraged to save under a different name and compile your own version it is easily fixed! If you don't want to then it is all fixed with the latest beta.

The examples given below show what displays when you let the system determine default values. Examining the source reveals that, should you wish to, you may have much more granular control over the behaviour of the control. In this endeavour RTI_POPUP_DATETIME_EQUATES are your friend, but to save you having to look at this, we'll document their use here.

If you use DIALOG_BOX to launch the RTI_POPUP_DATETIME window, you can pass in an @Fm delimited create parameter having the following values -

    <1>    Mode, D, DT, DTS, MT, MTS
    <2>    Initial date to use in internal format
    <3>    Initial time to use in internal format
    <4>    Parent
    <5>    Horizontal alignment against owner (L or R)
    <6>    Value mark delimited array containing the screen size of the owner
    <7>    First year in the year dropdown
    <8>    Last year in the year dropdown

We can override date ranges, set default values and even alter dialog positioning by passing in the correct values.

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