
Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Revelation Conference 2011

As you'll all doubtless be aware Revelation have announced the dates of the next conference (Tuesday, October 4th - Friday, October 7th, 2011 if you weren't) and whilst we've got some great ideas for presentations we're always on the lookout for more.

So we're appealing to you dear reader. Is there an aspect of the product you'd like to see taken apart in typical Sprezzatura fashion? What nooks and crannies would you want pushed and prodded? What esoteric diversion would you see pursued?

Answers on a postcard... or an email... or a blog comment. If you don't come back you'll just have to take what we give you :)

Thanks in advance!


  1. Writing a multi-threaded apartment model socket server in OI using nothing more than the winsock dlls and BASIC+

    Step by Step so you can write your own web server with database I/O in OpenInsight.

  2. Writing an OpenInsight HTTP or FTP interface to the SMS machine at

  3. Writing a code generator / cross compiler for iPad in OpenInsight

  4. Writing a general midi to wav file generator in OpenInsight

  5. Writing an engine to generate VSTi modules in OpenInsight

  6. Write an image parser so you can automate entries at websites with dicky images asking you to type in ANGGISTSTtrt734 to prove you're human.

  7. But we HAVE our own web server with database i/o embedded in OpenInsight. We use it for testing web apps without the hassle of configuring a webserver and for shipping localised web apps :).

  8. the emu has already done the way/midi thing. And very well too :)

  9. As an aside - we've got our talks decided now - but thanks for the input. Suffice to say the Cloud will feature :)
