Anyway a quick "whoops" that hit us recently which with hindsight is obvious but at the time surprised slightly.
Consider the following code
string = "'John','','','','','Smith'"
swap ",''," with ",null," in string
swap ",''," with ",null," in string
if youExpectedTheResultantStringToBe = "'John',null,null,null,null,'Smith'" then
goSub carryOnReading
goSub carryOnReading
Well of course (if you're here) it wasn't - it was actually "'John',null,'',null,'','Smith'" and now we've pointed that out it will be painfully obvious won't it? The swap command traverses the string left to right looking for comma apostrophe apostrophe comma and replaces it with comma null comma so with the first pass
"'John','','','','','Smith'" becomes "'John',null,'','','','Smith'"
So swap continues from the last "touched" character +1 (effectively col2() + 1 - or in this case apostrophe (not comma) and looks for the next comma apostrophe apostrophe comma, so with this pass
"'John',null,'','','','Smith'" becomes "'John',null,'',null,'','Smith'"
So the simple answer? Instead of swapping comma apostrophe apostrophe comma just swap comma apostrophe apostrophe. - so :-
string = "'John','','','','','Smith'"
swap ",''" with ",null" in string
swap ",''" with ",null" in string
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