
Wednesday, 4 August 2021

Demystifying clientsetup.exe

 Over the years, we've had numerous queries as to what exactly clientsetup.exe does and why it has to be run on each and every machine that will be running OpenInsight. With the help of RTI stalwart Bryan Shumsky, we've put together this post to tell you all you need to know about client install.

Over the years, OpenInsight has evolved from a pretty much self contained environment, where you could just pick up an application folder, move it elsewhere and expect it to work, to an environment which requires increasing levels of workstation adaptation. Firstly the OIPI print engine required that an OCX be registered at the workstation before it could be used. Of course, the OCX could still reside on the server, so all that was required for the client was an OCX registration via REGSVR32.EXE. The same went for the AREV32/64 command window. Then the new scintilla editor.

But as more of OI began to be developed in external languages, (specifically .NET) the requirements became more onerous. Windows doesn't take too kindly to being asked to run .NET components over a network and to make it happen, various security overrides need to be put in place. These are beyond the capabilities of a run of the mill installation script, so the decision was taken to install the .NET components locally on the workstation and to register them there. At this point it's important to add that you MUST install these assemblies on the local machine not on a network drive,

For reference, it is worthwhile pointing out that whilst historically the client setup is run from the OINSIGHT subdirectory, it can actually be run from any location as long as the "Assemblies" and "Client Files" subdirectories exist (with contents) relative to the clientsetup.exe.

With Bryan's help we were able to put together this list of what actually happens during a client install. So with no more ado, here's what the program actually gets up to...

First things first. Check if the client setup has already been run at some stage on this workstation - so it's off to the local registry the program goes. This makes it easier for the program to suggest defaults for the new installation.

Next, just to be nice, the program sets up shortcuts to the documentation, website etc etc.

Then, checks if there are already existing .NET assemblies at the requested installation location. If there are, they are removed. This is to stop the installation process interjecting with annoying messages about pre-existence etc.

Penultimately it then copies the files from the aforementioned subdirectories (Assemblies, Client Files) to the specified location on the local machine.

It then finally registers and installs the OCXs and .NET assemblies at their new local location.

Of course, there are circumstances where the client install might not be needed - for example if your installation doesn't need to edit, print, or sort information. Paradoxically this does mean that if you're running the engine server on the network server, you must ensure you do the client install on that machine too!

Hopefully this information will help you in understanding your deployment issues, and a big shout out to Bryan for helping with this.

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