One of the biggest differences between OI TCL and AREV TCL is that the latter made use of the VOC file to allow the user to customise commands and even to add their own commands. This does not seem to be the case in OI, rather a cursory examination of the object code for RTI_IDE_TCL suggests that the command list is hard coded.
With this in mind it might be useful to document exactly what commands are supported, and where unclear, what they actually do. For the purposes of this article it will be assumed that the reader is familiar with the syntax of AREV TCL commands. When optional variables are nominated they will normally be in the order TABLE ROW(S) OPTIONS.
So in alphabetical order, the commands are as follows -
Command | Description |
.L | Display a popup of previously executed commands. |
.n | Copy the nth command to the command line. |
ASSISTANT | Launch the Assistant popup. |
CLEAR CLEARSELECT CLEAR-LIST | Clears the active select list. Optionally if a name is specified, deletes that list. |
COPY COPY_ROW COPYROW | Copies rows from one place to another. Can use an active select list. |
COPYTABLE COPY_TABLE | Launch the CopyTable dialog ignoring any command line parameters. |
COUNT COUNTROWS | Counts the rows in the nominated table with optional selection criteria |
DELETE DELETE_ROW DELETEROW | Deletes the nominated rows from the nominated table, or uses an active select list against the nominated table, or launches a dialog. |
DELETELIST DELETE-LIST | Deletes the nominated list. |
DICT | Either launches the new table dialog or if a table name is specified, opens the dictionary of that table in the IDE. |
EDIT | Launches the appropriate tool to edit programs or record depending on the nominated table. Will accept a list of keys or an active select list. Particularly useful with FIND (q.v.). |
EVAL | Compiles and runs the statement |
FIND | Find the nominated string in the nominated table. Produces an active select list.Takes Option (G to produce a grid and (X to produce a list. Useful in conjunction with EDIT. |
GETLIST GET-LIST | Activates the nominated select list. |
LIST | Runs the LIST statement. |
LISTBASIC BLIST | List the nominated program to screen. Only works with SYSPROCS and requires uppercase row id. |
LISTDICT | Launches the LISTDICT dialog prepopulated with any nominated table. |
LISTFILES LISTTABLES | Lists the tables. |
LISTINDEX LIST_INDEX | Lists all indexed tables or the indexes for the nominated table. |
LISTVOLUME LIST_VOLUME | List the contents of the nominated volume. |
LISTVOLUMES LIST_VOLUMES | List all volumes. |
MAKEFILE MAKE_TABLE | Currently not implemented. |
MAKEVOC VOC | Launches the MAKEVOC dialog. |
NAME_VOLUME NAMEMEDIA NAMEVOL | Names the volume at the nominated location with the optionally nominated name. In the absence of a name a default date time will be used. |
OFF | Closes OI. |
PAINT | Opens the form designer for the nominated window. |
QUERY_TABLE QUERYTABLE | Allows selection and activation of a saved list from the query table. |
RUN | Runs the nominated program passing the nominated parameters. |
RUN_REPORT | Displays the run report selection dialog OR actions the passed report name, list command, file info comma delimited. |
SAVELIST SAVE-LIST | Saves the active select list under the nominated name. |
SELECT EXPLODE-ON | Performs the nominated select/explode-on. |
SET_MFS | Launches the SET_MFS dialog. |
SUM | Sums the nominated column in the nominated table. |
WHO | Displays the WHO window. |
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