
Wednesday, 7 February 2024


Recently we were playing with a routine to recurse through directory structures on a nominated disk and attempt to osOpen a specific file at a location - a quick utility to hunt down rogue OpenInsight installations by looking for SYSPROG DBTs. What started off as a vanity project very quickly became a learning exercise about how the system handles OS files behind the scenes.

The routine was working fine, correctly identifying locations containing OpenInsight but then we tried pointing it at Drive C. Suddenly the routine was finding rogue OpenInsight installations all over the disk, SYSPROG.DBTs were opening like they were a dime a dozen. Rogue installation-a-rama.

Except they weren't actually there. OsOpen claimed they were there - well it reported that it had successfully opened the file - but on closer inspection there was no file actually there.

There seemed to be no great mystery about what the apparent rogue installations had in common - they all had humongously long folder paths. Once the path gets beyond a certain length, attempts to open files that aren't there succeed. Rather than keep you in suspense we'll just confirm that this length is a common Windows constant called MAX_PATH - which if you check your msWin_MAX_PATH_Equates insert (yes - there is one) equates to 260 characters.

We reported this to those good folks at Revelation and further inspection revealed that, yes, there is an issue when opening files whose locations are longer than 260 characters. It was explained that internally the system stores the OS handle in an array of up to 128 values and that these values were predeclared at MAX_PATH plus a bit. 

This interested us, because we never realised that there was a limit of 128 concurrently open OS files in the Rev product line. We'd always assumed that (given that the osOpen file handle is just the name of the file) the system opened and closed the file each time it was written to or read from. That assumption was incorrect as, as explained above, Rev keep an array of OS file handles. They take the osOpen handle, look it up in an array and extract the OS file handle. 

This got us thinking, because we aren't always diligent about osClosing handles. Why had we never seen an issue with over 128 files? So we set about testing our assumptions.

It transpires that, if the system uses up the 128 handles, it starts to reuse the array slots in a FIFO manner. So if you subsequently try an OS operation on a handle that has been dropped, Rev reopens it and drops another. 

The implication of this (which we tested to be true) is that osOpen is not actually needed for OS operations.

We don't recommend NOT using it we hasten to add, this was just an academic exercise which could be invalidated at any time. 

As an aside when Rev gets the OS handle it places a lock on the file in question. You can see this if you attempt to access the file from outside of OpenInsight. You'll see a message like this -

The lock is removed when either you osClose the file or the system does so during its FIFO operation. A good tip from Rev is that, and I quote

"when logging to a file I like to use

osOpen myFile to myHandle

offset = dir(myfile)<1>

oswrite myChunk on myHandle at offset

osClose myHandle

This avoids holding the lock, so you can use notepad++ to look at the changes while a process is running.".

Anyway you'll be pleased to know that for subsequent releases of OpenInsight the restriction on long path names has been removed - along with the 128 element array limitation. 

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