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As documented the TEXT_BY_POS message may be used to retrieve the contents of a nominated cell. What is not documented is the fact that you can use it to update the contents of a cell as well. It's simply a matter of adding an extra parameter containing the data you wish to set.
E.g. 0001 * // Example to show setting cell contents with the 0002 * // TEXT_BY_POS message. 0003 0004 * // Set the contents of cell [3,4] 0005 colNo = 3 0006 rowNo = 4 0007 cellText = "New Cell Data" 0008 0009 call send_Message( @window : ".TABLE_1", | 0010 "TEXT_BY_POS", | 0011 colNo, | 0012 rowNo, | 0013 cellText ) OpenInsight trivia bonus: The EditTable CELLPOS property is a simple wrapper around the TEXT_BY_POS message. Labels: EditTable, EditTable Cookbook, OpenInsight
While recently adding a new window into our internal admin system we ran into a subtle problem with the CHANGED event and the NOTIFYPOS property.
NOTIFYPOS is an EditTable property that is always updated to contain the coordinates of the last cell to raise an event, but this is not restricted to the CHANGED event: Any EditTable event that is cell-oriented will also update NOTIFYPOS when triggered, common examples being DBLCLK and POSCHANGED. In our case the sequence of events ran like so:
Now you'd think that step (6) would actually have taken place straight after step (3) but unfortunately that's not the case due to the way that OpenInsight communicates with OpenEngine to run Basic+ event handlers. Normal Basic+ event handlers are executed in an asynchronous fashion, i.e. they are not executed directly when the notification is received, but are placed into a queue and executed when the queue is processed by the application's "message pump" (For those of you familiar with the Windows API they are dispatched via the PostMessage function). The solution to the problem was to ensure that our Basic+ event handler ran in a synchronous fashion instead - i.e. it should be executed as soon as OpenInsight is notified by the EditTable that the CHANGED event has taken place. That way we know that NOTIFYPOS will still contain the correct coordinates when our handler runs. Doing this was simply a matter of qualifying the CHANGED event with the synchronous flag in the window CREATE event handler like so: 0001 * // This is from the CREATE event handler for the window 0002 0003 * // Set the synchronous flag for the CHANGED event 0004 * // of the EDT_DETAILS edit table. 0005 0006 tmp = TRUE$ ; * // .. to ensure event is registered. 0007 tmp<4> = TRUE$ ; * // Sync flag -> TRUE$ == Synchronous 0008 ; * // FALSE$ == Asynchronous 0009 0010 call send_Message( @window : ".EDT_DETAILS", | 0011 "QUALIFY_EVENT", | 0012 "CHANGED", | 0013 tmp ) The new sequence of events now ran like this:
Labels: EditTable, EditTable Cookbook, OpenInsight
For any of you using our Basic+ Source code publisher we've now got an update to correct a Notes parsing issue when creating content for the Revelation Forum.
You can download version 1.5.1 from here in standard RDK format or here as an NSIS installer version. Labels: Basic+, freeware, OpenInsight, ZZ_IDE_BP_PUBLISHER
Many of the applications we write need to display things like option dialog boxes near a specific control. In most cases this is quite easy to handle as we can easily obtain the SIZE property of a control and work out our positioning from that. A slightly more difficult task is to position something relative to an EditTable cell because OpenInsight doesn't expose this information as a property or a method.
We've seen many attempts to calculate cell coordinates in Basic+ - we've even done it a few times ourselves and it's quite a pain, having to take into account all the different styles of the edit table, the width of columns, which columns are hidden and so forth. Well, there's a really easy way to do this, and that's by asking the EditTable itself what the coordinates are via the standard Windows API SendMessage function. We just need to know what message to send to the EditTable. DTM_READCELLRECT The message we need is called DTM_READCELLRECT, and it returns the coordinates of the cell identified via the ACCESSPOS property. All we need to do is pass it the address of a RECT structure to fill in, which we then translate into a dynamic array which we can use further. Here's a simple function to demonstrate this: 0001 compile function edt_GetCellRect( edtID, colNo, rowNo ) 0002 /* 0003 Author : Darth C, Sprezzatura Actual 0004 Date : Sep 09 0005 Purpose : Function to return edit table cell coordinates 0006 0007 Parameters 0008 ========== 0009 0010 edtID -> Fully qualified name of the edit table 0011 0012 colNo -> Column number of the target cell. Defaults 0013 to currentPos 0014 0015 rowNo -> Row number of the target cell. Defaults to 0016 currentPos 0017 0018 Returns 0019 ======= 0020 0021 Returns the edit table cell coordinates as per the RECT 0022 structure layout, i.e. 0023 0024 <1> Left 0025 <2> Top 0026 <3> Right 0027 <4> Bottom 0028 0029 Note these coordinates are relative to the Edit Table 0030 CLIENT area, NOT the desktop/screen! 0031 0032 */ 0033 declare function sendMessage, blank_Struct, struct_To_Var 0034 declare function get_Property 0035 0036 equ DTM_READCELLRECT$ to 1079 ; * // (WM_USER + 55) 0037 equ DTA_ACCESS$ to 0x0000 0038 0039 if assigned( edtID ) else edtID = "" 0040 if assigned( colNo ) else colNo = "" 0041 if assigned( rowNo ) else rowNo = "" 0042 0043 if len( edtID ) else 0044 return "" 0045 end 0046 0047 if len( colNo ) and len( rowNo ) then 0048 call set_Property( edtID, "ACCESSPOS", colNo : @fm : rowNo ) 0049 end else 0050 * // Use the current "caret" position - ensure ACCESSPOS 0051 * // is sync'd with CARETPOS 0052 call set_Property( edtID, "ACCESSPOS", | 0053 get_Property( edtID, "CARETPOS" ) ) 0054 end 0055 0056 * // Create a blank RECT structure for the edit table 0057 * // to fill for us and lock it 0058 rc = blank_Struct( "RECT" ) 0059 lockVariable rc as BINARY 0060 0061 * // Send the DTM_READCELLRECT message. 0062 * // 0063 * // The third parameter (wParam) contains a value that 0064 * // tells the edittable which cell we want. DTA_ACCESS 0065 * // means "use the ACCESSPOS property". 0066 * // 0067 * // We send the address of the RECT structure to fill in 0068 * // as the last parameter (lParam). 0069 call sendMessage( get_Property( edtID, "HANDLE" ), | 0070 DTM_READCELLRECT$, | 0071 DTA_ACCESS$, | 0072 getPointer( rc ) ) 0073 0074 * // Unlock and translate the structure to a 0075 * // dynamic array 0076 unlockVariable rc 0077 rc = struct_To_Var( rc, "RECT" ) 0078 0079 return rc (The more pedantic amongst you may notice that we didn't reset ACCESSPOS after we updated it. The reason for this is simple - every low-level function in the EditTable updates ACCESSPOS to the required coordinates before executing, and you should never assume ACCESSPOS is at the correct coordinates - always set it yourself before use!) You can download a text version of edt_GetCellRect here Labels: EditTable, EditTable Cookbook, OpenInsight
Whenever we have to deal with raw pointers in Basic+, as we did recently, we frequently end up using the GetPointer function. The documentation for GetPointer states that you should always use the LockVariable statement to "lock the string" before retrieving the pointer, but what does that actually mean?
In the beginning... OpenInsight was originally designed as a 16-bit application running on a 16-bit platform (Windows 3.x), and that platform had a habit of moving chunks of memory around for performance reasons which meant that direct pointers to the memory could be made invalid unless certain steps were taken to guard against this. So that pointers could be used safely in a Windows 3.x, program memory was tracked by handles instead, and when we wanted a pointer we "locked" the memory via it's handle and got a pointer to it which we could then use, because Windows promised not to pull the bytes out from under our feet. This is essentially what the Basic+ LockVariable statement did. It marked the memory section used by the Basic+ variable as unmoveable, which meant that a subsequent GetPointer() statement got a valid pointer to it. Afterwards we used the UnlockVariable statement to release the memory section so Windows could move it as needed. Did you say "did"? Yep - Memory management changed with the advent of 32-bit Windows operating systems - each application (or "Process" to use the proper term) could access memory in a linear fashion via a virtual address space. This basically meant that the OS handled mapping all pointers to "real memory" internally - no need for any more handle and locking shenanigans. This of course rendered the primary function of the LockVariable statement obsolete on 32-bit operating systems, but we can't just do away with it entirely because it can perform one other very important function: variable-type coercion. Basic+ Variable Typing As we mentioned in our previous post variables in Basic+ are typeless - i.e. they can change their type at runtime based on the context in which they are used. When we're dealing with a typed language like C/C++, we must ensure that any Basic+ variables we pass to a DLL function are actually held internally in the correct binary format. This is where the other function of the LockVariable statement comes into play - it allows us to specify how we want the Basic+ variable to be typed. E.g. 0001 * // Example DLL function call with the following prototype 0002 * // that wants a pointer to an Integer 0003 * // 0004 * // VOID STDCALL SomeDLLFunc( LPVOID ) 0005 0006 someArray = "3" : @fm : "43" 0007 0008 someNum = someArray<1> ; * // someNum is held as a string. To 0009 ; * // force it to a integer we can do 0010 ; * // this: 0011 0012 * // Call lockVariable to make sure we have an integer 0013 lockVariable someNum as INT 0014 0015 call someDLLFunc( getPointer( someNum ) ) 0016 0017 unlockVariable( someNum ) Likewise for a string we could do this: 0001 * // Example DLL function call with the following prototype 0002 * // that wants a pointer to a string, and it's length in 0003 * // bytes 0004 * // 0005 * // VOID STDCALL SomeDLLStrFunc( LPVOID, UINT ) 0006 0007 someStr = 3 + 7 + 4567940 ; * // someStr is held as a number. To 0008 ; * // force it to a string we can do 0009 ; * // this: 0010 0011 * // Call lockVariable to make sure we have a string 0012 lockVariable someStr as CHAR 0013 0014 call someDLLStrFunc( getPointer( someStr ), getByteSize( someStr ) ) 0015 0016 unlockVariable( someStr ) Of course there are other ways of coercing a variable to a certain type:
We must beware of using method (1) above to ensure a number however, because Basic+ holds numeric variables in one of two binary formats internally - one as an integer, the other is as a floating point number. The "adding 0" method will not let us specify which one to use - only the LockVariable statement can do that, so when we need to ensure a type we must use it in these circumstances. So do we really need LockVariable for strings then? Providing that we're sure of how Basic+ is holding the format of a variable we can actually get away without using the LockVariable statements in our programs, and call GetPointer directly. However, we would recommend using it in your programs in case the memory model that OpenInsight uses changes at some point in the future. For example, if it changed to a fully garbage-collected environment akin to the .NET runtime, we might need to lock or "pin" the variable in memory. Basically it's just a good habit to adopt. What about the UnlockVariable statement? If we're going to use LockVariable then we must also ensure that we call UnlockVariable. Right now it does absolutely nothing whatsoever. Of course that may not always be the case, so we'd recommend you use this too. Labels: DLL, DLL Prototyping, OpenInsight, Windows API
Welcome to part 3 of the "Strings and Things" series on OpenInsight DLL prototyping. So far we've covered the theory of how Windows defines functions that use ANSI and Unicode versions (in Part 1), and we've also looked at the standard way of calling those functions from Basic+ (in Part 2).
This time we're going to look at another way of passing string data to a Windows API function, but we'll show you how to handle the entire process yourself, and afterwards we'll look at why this is sometimes necessary. (Note: This article assumes you are familiar with the basics of DLL prototyping in OpenInsight. If not please consult the OpenInsight on-line help for more details) Passing Basic+ variables as string parameters - The Long Way Round Previously we looked at a method whereby OpenInsight took care of all the low-level details for you when passing string parameters, but you do have the option to handle this process yourself via the following steps:
It appears like quite a lot of work but it's not as bad as it looks when you put it into practice. Creating the LPVOID prototype The first task you have to do is prototype the DLL function, and for now we'll use the same Unicode SetWindowText function that we used before so you can see the difference. Here's how it's documented: BOOL SetWindowText( HWND hwnd, LPCTSTR lpString ); Which we know is actually means this for the Unicode version: BOOL SetWindowTextW( HWND hwnd, LPCWSTR lpString ); So far so good but as you're handling the string passing yourself the prototype must be created like this instead: INT STDCALL SetWindowTextW( HANDLE, LPVOID ) Notice that for the string parameter we are now using the LPVOID prototype rather than the LPWSTR prototype as we did in Part 2. This means that when we call SetWindowTextW OpenInsight is expecting us to pass a pointer to the string data rather than the string data itself. Now we have the prototyped function we can look at using it in a program, but as mentioned above we have to do some preparation to the Basic+ variables before they can be used. Null termination Strings used in C use a Char(0) as an end of string marker (i.e. it is "null-terminated"), so you must ensure that any strings you pass also follow this convention - simply appending a Char(0) to the end of the string will suffice here. 0001 * // Null-terminate the string 0002 strToPass = "Some text" : char( 0 ) String Encoding Before the string is passed to the DLL function you must make sure that it is encoded correctly. OpenInsight provides an easy way to do this via the str_ANSI and str_Unicode functions, which automatically take into account your application's UTF8 setting: 0001 declare function str_Unicode 0002 0003 * // Ensure the string we are going to pass is in Unicode 0004 * // format 0005 0006 strToPass = "Some text" 0007 strWide = str_Unicode( strToPass ) The str_ANSI and str_Unicode functions are very useful and save you a bit of coding, otherwise you would have to do something like this to get a Unicode string: 0001 declare function ANSI_Unicode, UTF8_Unicode, isUTF8 0002 0003 * // Ensure the string we are going to pass is in Unicode 0004 * // format. This is the long way round and emulates the 0005 * // str_Unicode() function 0006 0007 strToPass = "Some text" 0008 if isUTF8() then 0009 strWide = UTF8_Unicode( strToPass ) 0010 end else 0011 strWide = ANSI_Unicode( strToPass ) 0012 end A note on variable typing Variables in Basic+ are typeless - i.e. they can change their type at runtime based on the context in which they are used (They are actually very similar to the Variant type in Microsoft COM/OLE programming). While having typeless variables is very convenient from a standard Basic+ programming viewpoint, it's not so helpful when you're dealing with a typed language like C/C++, so you must ensure that any Basic+ variables you pass to a DLL function expecting strings are being held internally by OpenInsight as strings also. There are several ways this can be done but the most common is to use the concatenation operator and append a null variable like so: 0001 * // Adding X and Y below will produce a numeric result 0002 * // that will be held internally in the engine as a binary 0003 * // integer 0004 0005 x = 1 0006 y = 2 0007 z = x + y ; * // z is in a binary numeric format 0008 0009 z := "" ; * // z is now in a string format 0010 ; * // (the ASCII character "3" ) For our purposes in the SetWindowText example the act of appending a Char(0) to the variable we are passing performs any required coercion to a string (as would the Unicode encoding functions too actually). Getting the pointer All that remains to do now is obtain a pointer to the OI string so it can be passed to the DLL function, and for this there is the aptly-named GetPointer function: 0001 myVar = "Some text" 0002 0003 *// Always use LockVariable before GetPointer 0004 lockVariable myVar as CHAR 0005 0006 * // Get the pointer 0007 pMyVar = getPointer( myVar ) 0008 0009 * // Use the pointer 0010 call someFunc( pMyVar ) 0011 0012 * // Cleanup 0013 unlockVariable myVar (You'll notice the use of the LockVariable statement here as well - We're going to fully cover LockVariable later in separate post.) Putting it altogether And you're now in a position to finally call your DLL function. As an example look at how you would use all this with SetWindowText: 0001 declare function SetWindowTextW, str_Unicode, get_Property 0002 0003 hwnd = get_Property( @window, "HANDLE" ) 0004 newText = get_Property( @window : ".EDITLINE_1", "TEXT" ) 0005 0006 // Null terminate 0007 newText := char( 0 ) 0008 0009 // Ensure we have a UNICODE string 0010 newText = str_Unicode( newText ) 0011 0012 // Force string type - redundant but make sure 0013 // we're future proof 0014 lockVariable newText as CHAR 0015 0016 // Get a pointer to the string 0017 pNewText = getPointer( newText ) 0018 0019 // Invoke the function 0020 x = SetWindowTextW( hwnd, pNewText ) 0021 0022 // Cleanup 0023 unlockVariable newText Clean-up Any clean-up tasks you may need to perform are somewhat dependant on the actual function called, but the primary cleanup task is to call the UnlockVariable statement if you used the LockVariable statement as you can see in the example above. Another common occurrence is to convert a returned string to the correct OI string type as you can see from the GetWindowText example below: 0001 * // We're using the following User32 DLL prototypes: 0002 * // 0003 * // INT STDCALL GetWindowTextLength( HANDLE ) 0004 * // INT STDCALL GetWindowTextW( HANDLE, LPVOID, INT ) 0005 0006 declare function getWindowTextLength, getWindowTextW 0007 declare function str_Unicode, unicode_Str 0008 0009 hwnd = get_Property( @window, "HANDLE" ) 0010 0011 * // Find out how much text the window contains in CHARACTERS 0012 * // (not BYTES) and create a buffer large enough to contain it 0013 0014 textLen = getWindowTextLength( hwnd ) 0015 textBuf = str( char(0), textLen + 1 ) ; * // add space for a 0016 ; * // null terminator! 0017 0018 * // Make sure that the buffer contains enough space for 0019 * // Unicode chars as we're calling the "W" function 0020 textBuf = str_Unicode( textBuf ) 0021 0022 * // Not needed at the moment but it won't hurt! 0023 lockVariable textBuf as CHAR 0024 0025 * // Get the pointer 0026 pBuf = getPointer( textBuf ) 0027 0028 * // Get the window text 0029 x = getWindowTextW( hwnd, pBuf, textLen + 1 ) 0030 0031 * // Clean up - we need to ensure the Unicode string we've got 0032 * // back is translated to UTF8/ANSI 0033 unlockVariable textBuf 0034 0035 * // Convert the string 0036 textBuf = unicode_Str( textBuf ) 0037 0038 * // Get the text, removing the null terminator which we don't 0039 * // need in Basic+ 0040 winText = textBuf[1,char(0)] So, tell me again why I need to do this? Well, as well as being a good intellectual exercise and helping understand how OpenInsight works behind the scenes there's one important area where the ability to pass a pointer is really critical - and that's when you need to pass a NULL pointer (i.e. the numeric value '0') to a function. For example many Windows API functions exhibit special behaviour when passed a NULL pointer such as returning the length of a buffer needed to contain a value (e.g. the GetShortPathName function), so it is quite important to be able to do this. However, you cannot to this with the LPWSTR and LPASTR prototypes we looked at in part 2, because they will always pass a pointer to something even if it's a null OpenInsight variable! e.g. This will NOT work: 0001 * // We're using the following Kernel32 DLL prototypes: 0002 * // 0003 * // UINT STDCALL GetShortPathNameW( LPWSTR, LPWSTR, UINT ) 0004 0005 declare function getShortPathNameW 0006 0007 * // Attempt to get the size of the buffer for the short path 0008 longPath = "c:\temp\somelongfilename.txt" 0009 shortPath = "" 0010 0011 bufLen = getShortPathNameW( longPath, shortPath, 0 ) 0012 0013 * // and so on ... Neither will this: 0001 * // We're using the following Kernel32 DLL prototypes: 0002 * // 0003 * // UINT STDCALL GetShortPathNameW( LPWSTR, LPWSTR, UINT ) 0004 0005 declare function getShortPathNameW 0006 0007 * // Attempt to get the size of the buffer for the short path 0008 longPath = "c:\temp\somelongfilename.txt" 0009 shortPath = 0 0010 0011 bufLen = getShortPathNameW( longPath, shortPath, 0 ) 0012 0013 * // and so on ... The first example will end up passing a pointer to a Char(0) (i.e. an empty string), while the second example will pass a pointer to an ASCII '0' character. The proper way to tackle this is: 0001 * // We're using the following Kernel32 DLL prototypes: 0002 * // 0003 * // UINT STDCALL GetShortPathNameW( LPWSTR, LPVOID, UINT ) 0004 0005 declare function getShortPathNameW 0006 0007 * // Attempt to get the size of the buffer for the short path 0008 longPath = "c:\temp\somelongfilename.txt" 0009 0010 * // Pass a NULL (0) pointer ... 0011 bufLen = getShortPathNameW( longPath, 0, 0 ) 0012 0013 * // and so on ... The best of both worlds Of course having to do all of this work just to pass a NULL pointer seems slightly unreasonable, so thanks to the magic of DLL function aliasing you can "have your cake and eat it". It's simply a matter of how you prototype the function - you prototype one version to use the LPWSTR/LPASTR prototype, and another to use LPVOID, just ensuring that you give them different names. E.g. continuing with the GetShortPathName example here's how you would prototype the functions: 0001 * // We're using the following Kernel32 DLL prototypes: 0002 * // 0003 * // UINT STDCALL GetShortPathNameW( LPWSTR, LPWSTR, UINT ) 0004 * // UINT STDCALL GetShortPathNameW( LPWSTR, LPVOID, UINT ) 0005 * // As GetShortPathNameWByPtr 0006 0007 declare function getShortPathNameW, getShortPathNameWByPtr 0008 0009 * // Attempt to get the size of the buffer for the short path 0010 longPath = "c:\temp\somelongfilename.txt" 0011 0012 * // Pass a NULL (0) pointer ... 0013 bufLen = getShortPathNameWByPtr( longPath, 0, 0 ) 0014 0015 * // buflen includes space for null-terminator, so create the buffer 0016 shortPath = str( char(0), bufLen ) 0017 0018 * // And get the path 0019 x = getShortPathNameW( longPath, shortPath, bufLen ) Conclusion That concludes this small series of posts on string handling in DLL Prototyping. In the next post in the series we'll take a closer look at the LockVariable statement and why it is still relevant in 32-bit OpenInsight. Labels: DLL, DLL Prototyping, OpenInsight, Windows API |
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