
Thursday, 24 November 2022

You are Auth-ful - but I like you

Recently, a client was a little late in applying their authorisation code to their copy of OI10, and attempts to access OI were met with error messages "PSSI.66: ???". This seemed a strange message and at first we suspected that it wasn't even an OI message.

However chatting to the Rev developers, it seems that an insert (PS_RESOURCES) was missing from SYSENV and that it should in fact have had the following values 



PSSI.00: No entry window defined for the %1% application.
PSSI.01: No visible entry window started for the %1% application
PSSI.02: Unable to start entry window "%1%" for the %2% application
PSSI.20: . Process aborted
PSSI.21: %1% initialization
PSSI.60: This Developer Class Server Deployment Pack for OpenInsight is due to expire on %1%.|Please contact Revelation Software at +1-800-262-4747 to renew your license.
PSSI.61: This copy of OpenInsight is due to expire on %1%.|Please contact Revelation Software at +1-800-262-4747 to renew your license.
PSSI.62: This copy of OpenInsight expired on %1%.|Use of this software is in violation of your OpenInsight Software License Agreement.|Please contact Revelation Software at +1-800-262-4747 to renew your license.
PSSI.63: This copy of OpenInsight has expired.||To purchase this product, contact Revelation Software on the web at:||||Or call toll-free: (800) 262-4747
PSSI.64: This evaluation copy of OpenInsight expires on %1%.||To purchase this product, contact Revelation Software on the web at:||||Or call toll-free: (800) 262-4747
PSSI.65: This evaluation copy of OpenInsight has expired.||To purchase this product, contact Revelation Software on the web at:||||Or call toll-free: (800) 262-4747
PSSI.66: This Developer Class Server Deployment Pack for OpenInsight expired on %1%.|Use of this software is in violation of your OpenInsight Software License Agreement.|Please contact Revelation Software at +1-800-262-4747 to renew your license.
PSSI.67: Unable to process License Information.
PSSI.68: OpenInsight Licensing

So that clarified that issue.

The issue that we were left with was that normally in OI10, reauthorisation is done from within the product - and if you can't log in... you can connect the dots.

So, we went on search for a reauthorisation executable in the OI directory and not surprisingly found revauth.exe. This is a small executable, and clicking it seemed to do nothing. Until we realised that it was likely a command line executable. 

Invoking powershell, we moved to the UNC containing revauth.exe and executed it with a /?. These were the results.

PS Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\FileSystem::\\MyServer\Shares\Sprezz\programs\OINSIGHT_10> .\revauth.exe /?

revauth <featurename> <authcode> <filename>

values for <featurename>:

OI : OpenInsight
UDN: Universal Driver (network user license)
UDH: Universal Driver Heavy

So we instructed the client to run the following command

revauth OI AuthCode revengine.lic

and lo and behold, the system worked again!

As an aside, the licensing information is no longer stored encrypted in a DLL but rather is stored in the revengine.lic file where it can be easily viewed - a modified example is shown below.


Of course, you can't alter any of these values in notepad as they are actually encoded into the signature, but nice try!

And for readers who aren't British and of a certain age...

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