Tabbed interfaces provide a much loved way of fitting lots of information onto a single entry form. The introduction of multi page forms and the improved integration of page controlling made this a much easier exercise - each tab could be a page of the form and we could simply move between pages on a tab click. In fact a quick event was added to make this even easier.
But what has not been possible until now, without a deal of smoke and mirrors, is to have one or more tab controls embedded within a page on a single or multi-page form and have them only appear on a specific page. The only way to accomplish this would be to have a set of controls per tab, all within the tab boundaries, and make them visible or invisible depending on the currently clicked tab. This makes form maintenance incredibly tedious and code overly complex.
Before OI10 there was no real concept of parent/child relationships in OI - other than that forms and group boxes owned all of the controls within their boundaries. This led to many issues, not least with group boxes and tab controls. With the advent of OI10 this has changed. OI now allows the implementation of, and respects, parent/child relationships.
The biggest example of this is the introduction of a "Panel" container type.
We are going to use the "Panel" (not the "Simple Panel") to enable tabs within a form. But first, what's the difference between a "Panel" and a Simple Panel?
A Panel is simply a container that can be placed anywhere on the screen so that when controls are pasted into the Panel they become children of the Panel, not of the Window. So move the Panel and the controls owned by the Panel move with it. Don't be too put out by the "Simple" part of the description, pretty much the only difference between a Panel and a Simple Panel has to do with paging. So looking at Simple Panel/Panel properties in the Form Designer we see this :
Virtual Size
and the only property unique to Simple Panels is the DummyCaption property.
So, to implement a tab within a form page, we can now combine the Tab Control, the Panel Control and one simple Quick Event to achieve the desired results.
Let's start with a simple one page entry screen.
Select "Panel" from the Containers and position it within the tab control - using Right-Click and drag to size it appropriately. (See Addendum for other keystroke combinations). There are no hard and fast rules about this but I tend to leave an 8 pixel border from the tab control to make it easier to edit in the form designer.
(As an aside, if you right-click on the Window you can un-anchor it to allow moving it wherever you want.)
Tell the Panel that it has three pages and label the tab accordingly (after setting the tab to three values) :
Select the Panel and add in the controls for the first page.
Now select the Panel and use the spin control to move to page 2 and add in the controls for the second page. Note that the spin control applies to whichever control is both currently selected and supports paging - namely Windows and Panels.
And finally the third page.
Finally we need to add a Quick Event on the Tab click. This needs to get the VALUE Property of the Tab control, and set the CURRENTPAGE Property of the Panel.
and Bob, as they say, is your uncle...
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